Wednesday, November 25, 2009

...and so it begins.

I've debated for some time now about starting a blog. I had a website that I ran for years (some of which I'll probably port over here), but I felt I'd outgrown it somehow, so I took it down and have languished over not writing since then. I just recently joined Facebook and i've rekindled my need to communicate once again, however Facebook just doesn't allow me the freedom and depth of expression that I want to share. As you'll soon gather, I'm fairly verbose and small comments just don't let me get my points across effectively.

With that said, my trail begins. This is not my first trail by any means...just a new path or more correctly the place in my life where the pavement changes. My path has always been the one with heart. I hold to my values and honor my soul, without which I would surely lose my way. Daily I see this world crumbling into ruin and my hope for this blog is to somehow create a spark of memory in those that dare to read, that reminds us what life should truly be about. It's the search for truth, the compassion of the strong, the depth of meaning in life, apart from technology, money and all else that corrupts us. We forget our humanity and lose ground all too easily in this chaos of the modern world.

This doesn't preclude me from being "political" when need be, as I also feel that politics to some degree can affect the masses and bring change and hope if properly focused. So I hope to cheer the good guys and rant on the bad ones, bringing my own style and insight to the fray.

I'll also share much of my personal journey, with it's ups and downs, daily battles and victories. My journey evolves on many different fronts, from health to career, overcoming dysfunction, relationships, regaining strength of will and of course my twisted sense of humor.

So follow along if you can...


  1. Kewl, looking forward to reading it. You've always been one of the more 'opaque' people I know, so I'm looking forward to seeing thought processes unfold; I'm all about understanding more than I do now (altho everything I know now is obviously correct and sacrosanct!) ;)

    I've added you to the hotlist on my blog, so my units of follower will wander over here as well ;)

    my blog:

  2. Thx for the add! I hope I can live up to the vote..:)

  3. Hey Wolf,

    Hows vaping going for you? Have you given up smoking for good?
